Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Art of Poser and Photoshop

I wanted to post this image because I think it is just unbelievably cool!

This image is actually from our Photoshop WOW book and was done by Stephen Burns.

I have learned a great deal from this book and hope to try something like this in the future.

Everyone should take the time to go through this book & look at all of the examples (if you haven't already, that is). There are a lot of really cool things in there and an equal amount of well done tutorials.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chevys Restaurant Branding Overhaul

I've been a fan of Chevys for quite a while, so when I ran across this in Communication Arts Interactive Annual 19 I knew I had to post it.

"Twenty-five years ago Chevys set the standard for fresh mex, but somewhere along the way, they'd lost their mojo and became highly corporate. We were hired to perform a complete rand overhaul and started by injecting a fun, irreverent voice into everything from the website to menus, bar napkins, bathroom signage, napkin rings, server T-shirts and in-store posters. We used woodblock type, custom illustration and a Mexican-inspired color palette to create an authentic and vibrant look."

The new design was done by Hub Strategy.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Steve Scott

Steve Scott is famous for his stylized characters, Sci-Fi artwork, and his twist at pin-up designs. He has attained a reputable clientele which includes Nokia, Sony, Volvo, Led Zeppelin and Wired Magazine.

"Are We There Yet?"  - above
"Food Animals" - below

You can find out more information about him through

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hashtag Killer

I found this in the Communication Arts Interactive Annual.
The graphic designer is Juan Carlos Pagan and the client is
Water is Life.
The images are very eye catching & the site itself provokes a
great deal of emotions. I've included the link if you want to look
for yourself.