Thursday, February 20, 2014

"Write the book you want to read" ~Austin Kleon

While reading Chapter 3 of Steal Like an Artist, the main point that I gathered would have to be to go ahead and do that one thing that you've always wanted to do. Everyone's seen a movie that they "just want more" when they leave—write out your idea for the sequel. The same thing goes for books—try writing that next book in the series. You see where I'm going here? If there's something that you've always wanted to try to design, just go ahead and try it. If nothing comes of it, it has at least been a learning experience, and who knows, it may turn out great!

We were asked the question "So, what would your life be like if you were to re-write it?" My answer would have to be, that I wouldn't re-write it. I've had some extremely bad experiences in my life, but, I've also had some great ones. All of which have brought me to the point I'm at right now. If I were to re-write some part then I possibly might not have my wonderful son or my house, etc. I don't want to play the "what if" game. I'm almost 50 yrs. old and I'm very happy with my life.

As for another question we were asked "What might the next few years be like in this story?" I'm not quite sure where I'll end up, but I hope to be enjoying life, and hopefully at some point, becoming a grandma. I would really like to find either a really good job doing graphic design at company that is not all about numbers like my previous employer, but, more about creativity. I would also love to be a freelance designer and work from home.

In this chapter, there's a quote by Brian Eno "My interest in making music has been to create something that does not exist that I would like to listen to. I wanted to hear music that had not yet happened, by putting together things that suggested a new thing which did not yet exist." This quote goes so well with this chapter in that we are told to go write that book, make that music, design that thing, etc. and this is exactly what Brian is saying in this quote. I did some research on his music and it, for the most part, is that very quite, nice relaxing music that just puts you at ease.  They are called things like Wind on Water, Emerald and Stone, The Drop, etc. and places like airports, use his music as their background soundtracks. I am glad I checked him out, because I have a really hard time sleeping and I think that I could use his music to help calm my mind when trying to sleep. Most of his YouTube videos are 45min.—over an hour long, but I found this one that you might enjoy. 


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